Eyal Ben-Dor is Head of the Remote Sensing Laboratory at Tel Aviv University (RSL-TAU), the leading group in Israel for imaging spectroscopy (IS), soil spectroscopy and remote sensing applications dedicated for soil mapping and environmental monitoring. The RSL is expert in field and airborne campaigns in national and international levels and has gained significant experience to that end in many projects. The IS technology is also used by the RSL-TAU to investigate issues in medicine, veterinary, food security, civil engineering and agriculture. The RSL-TAU is responsible for more than 200 scientific papers in scientific proceedings, peer review journals and chapter books . Four patents in the IS direction for veterinary, civil engineering, soil science and contamination application are also the yield of the RSL-TAU.
The areas of his academic interest include: Hyperspectral remote sensing of the earth; soil spectroscopy; developing applications in many disciplines (medicine, veterinary, civil engineering, precise agriculture); generating Soil Spectral Library for the Mediterranean countries; Bilateral projects with Czech Republic (CGS), Germany (GFZ), Greece (i-BEC), Italy (CNR) and EC (EUFAR, EO-MINERS and GEO-CRADEL).
Selected papers:
- List of publications will be available here: https://www.tlvrslab.com/publications
- The field and some current and future projects are presented here >> (pdf)
Email: bendor@post.tau.ac.il
Website (under construction): https://www.tlvrslab.com