
Tel Aviv from sea
Tel Aviv from sea. Photo: Amir Paz
Venice Biennale

The 4th Research Students Conference, October 2018. 

International workshop in Venice Architecture Biennale:

Urban Research

The 3rd Research Students Conference, January 2018. 

Publications since 2020:



Haken, H., Portugali, J. (2021). Synergetic cities: Information, Steady state and phase transition: Implications to urban scaling, smart cities and planning. Springer nature. 


Papers since 2017:



Pivovarník M , Miroslav Pikl , Jan Frouz , František Zemek Veronika Kopačková , Gila Notesco and E. Ben Dor 2017, A Spectral Emissivity Library of Spoil Substrates, Data 1:12-17


Kopačková V., E. Ben-Dor, N. Carmon and G.Notesco 2017, Modelling Diverse Soil Attributes with Visible to Longwave Infrared Spectroscopy Using PLSR Employed by an Automatic Modelling Engine, Remote Sensing open access 9:134-145


Weksler S. Notesco G. and E. Ben-Dor 2017, An Automated Procedure for Reducing Atmospheric Features and Emphasizing Surface Emissivity in Hyperspectral Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Images International Journal of Remote Sensing 38:4481-4493


Carmon N. and E. Ben-Dor 2017, An Advanced Analytical Approach for Spectral-Based Modelling of Soil Properties International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 7:90-97


Ben-Dor, E., Granot, A., and G. Notesco, 2017, A simple apparatus to measure soil spectral information in the field under stable conditions. Geoderma, 306, 73-80.


Pelta R., Granot A. and E. Ben-Dor 2017, An Innovative Approach to Exploit Reflection Spectroscopy of Liquid Characteristics, Applied Spectroscopy 1-4, DOI: 10.1177/0003702817744543


Ogen, Y., Goldshleger, N., and E. Ben-Dor 2017, 3D spectral analysis in the VNIR–SWIR spectral region as a tool for soil classification. Geoderma, 302, 100-110.



Ben-Shahar, D., Gabriel, S. A., & Golan, R. (2017). Housing Affordability and Inequality: A Consumption-Adjusted Approach. Available at SSRN.



Blass V. and Corbett C. 2017. "Same Supply Chain, Different Models: Integrating Perspectives from Industrial Ecology and Supply Chain Management", Journal of Industrial Ecology (forthcoming), published online on February 16, 2017.



Givoni, M., & Chen, X. (2017). Airline and railway disintegration in China: the case of Shanghai Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub. Transportation Letters, 1-13.


Givoni, M. (2017). Assessing core-periphery relation through travel patterns-The case of Israel. Research in Transportation Economics, 63, 73-85.


Shliselberg, R., & Givoni, M. (2017). Motility as a policy objective. Transport Reviews, 1-19.


Givoni, M., & Perl, A. (2017). Rethinking Transport Infrastructure Planning to Extend Its Value over Time. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X17741196.



Omer, I. (2018) How are geographical judgments and a geographical entity’s shape connected in cognitive mapping?, Built Environment, 44 (2), 205-217.


Ma, Ding., Omer, I., Osaragi, T., Samdberg, M and Jiang, B. (2018) Why Topology Matters in Predicting Human Activities, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI: 10.1177/2399808318792268


Omer, I., Gitelman V., Rofè, Y., Lerman, Y. Kaplan, N. and Doveh, E. (2017). Evaluating crash risk in urban areas based on vehicle and pedestrian modeling: a case-study in Israel, Geographical Analysis.


Omer, I. (2017) Effects of city form and socio-spatial divisions on cognitive maps, Journal of Urban Affairs.


Shao L. Mittlstadt S., Goldblatt, R., Schreck, T. Omer, I., and Bak, P. (2017) Analysis and Comparison of Feature-based Patterns in Urban Street Networks. LNCS – Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer.


Magen, R., Omer I. and Yodan R. (2017) Relationship between spatial planning, retail activity and movement in the Israeli city, Planning (Tichnun) - Journal of the Israel Planners Association, 14 (2) (Hebrew).


Omer, I., and Kaplan, N. (2017) Using space syntax and agent-based approaches for modeling pedestrian volume at the urban scale, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 64, 57-67.


Omer, I., Goldblatt, R., Khamaisi and Romann, M. (2017) Tolerance, intergroup contacts and municipal-spatial organization: The case of Jews and Arab Palestinians in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie: Journal of Economic and Social Geography.



Haken H., Portugali J. (2017). Smart cities: distributed intelligence or central planning? In Pardalos P.M and Rassia S. (Eds.) Smart City Networks: Through the Internet of Things, Springer, Heidelberg.



Papers since 2016:



Meorn N., Blass V., Garb Y., Kahane Y., and Thoma G. 2016. “Why Going beyond Standard LCI Databases is Important: Lessons From A Meta-Analysis of Potable Water Supply System LCAs", International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21: 1134.



Yossi Shushan, Juval Portugali and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal (2016). Using Virtual Reality Environments to Unveil the Imageability of the City in Homogenous and Heterogeneous environments. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 58, 29.



Omer, I., and Goldblatt, R. (2016) Using space syntax and Q-analysis for investigating movement patterns in buildings: the case of shopping malls, Environment and planning B: Planning and Design.



J.A. Scott Kelso, Egbert Stolk, Juval Portugali (2016). Self-organization and design as a complementary pair. In Juval Portugali and Egbert Stolk Eds. Complexity, Cognition Urban Planning and Design. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin.


Egbert Stolk and Juval Portugali (2016). A Complexity-Cognitive view on Scale in Urban Design. In Juval Portugali and Egbert Stolk Eds. Complexity, Cognition Urban Planning and Design. Springer, Berlin.


Juval Portugali (2016). What makes cities complex? In Portugali and Stolk Eds. Complexity, Cognition Urban Planning and Design. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin.


Fernando Santos, Sara Encarnação, Francisco Santos, Juval Portugali and Jorge Pacheco (2016). An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Approach to Multi-Sector Coordination and Self-Organization. Entropy, 18(4), 152.


Haken H., Portugali J. (2016). Information and Selforganization: A Unifying Approach and Applications. Entropy 2016, 18, 197; doi:10.3390/e18060197



Papers since 2015:



Serok, N., & Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, E. (2015). A Simulation Model for Intra-Urban Movements. PloS one, 10(7), e0132576.



Eizenberg, E., & Fenster, T. (2015). Reframing urban controlled spaces: Community gardens in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Jaffa. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 14(4), 1132-1160.


Fenster, T., & Eizenberg, E. (2016). Planning with communities in regeneration projects: toward a gendered civic capacity. Gender, Place & Culture, 1-16.


Tal, R. B., Fenster, T., & Kulka, T. (2015). Academy–Community Partnerships: Challenges and Changes in Urban Regeneration Projects. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 19(3), 63-88.


Fenster, T., & Misgav, C. (2015, October). The protest within protest: Feminism and ethnicities in the 2011 Israeli protest movement. In Women's Studies International Forum (Vol. 52, pp. 20-29). Pergamon.



Blokland, T., Hentschel, C., Holm, A., Lebuhn, H., & Margalit, T. (2015). Urban citizenship and right to the city: the fragmentation of claims.International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(4), 655-665.


Cohen, N., & Margalit, T. (2015). ‘There are Really Two Cities Here’: Fragmented Urban Citizenship In Tel Aviv. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(4), 666-686.


Margalit, T., & Vertes, E. (2015). Planning allocations and the stubborn north–south divide in Tel Aviv–Jaffa. Planning Theory & Practice, 16(2), 226-247.



Lerman, Y., & Omer, I. (2016). Urban area types and spatial distribution of pedestrians: Lessons from Tel Aviv. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 55, 11-23.


Omer, I., & Jiang, B. (2015). Can cognitive inferences be made from aggregate traffic flow data?. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,54, 219-229.


Omer, I., Rofè, Y., & Lerman, Y. (2015). The impact of planning on pedestrian movement: contrasting pedestrian movement models in pre-modern and modern neighborhoods in Israel. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(12), 2121-2142.


Omer, I., & Goldblatt, R. (2015). Spatial patterns of retail activity and street network structure in new and traditional Israeli cities. Urban Geography, 1-21.


Goldblatt, R., & Omer, I. (2015). The relationship between spatial configuration and Arab minority residential patterns in Israeli mixed Cities.Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 106(3), 321-338.


Lavi, A., Potchter, O., Omer, I., & Fireman, E. (2015). Mapping air pollution by biological monitoring in the metropolitan Tel Aviv area. International journal of environmental health research, 1-15.



Haken, H., & Portugali, J. (2015). Shannonian Versus Semantic Information and Cognition. In Information Adaptation: The Interplay Between Shannon Information and Semantic Information in Cognition (pp. 1-10). Springer International Publishing.


Haken, H., & Portugali, J. (2015). Information in Cognition. SpringerBriefs in Complexity. 2015, XIV, 90 p. 49 illus., 12 illus. in color.


Portugali, J. (2015). SIRN—Synergetic Inter-Representation Networks: An Approach to Urban Planning and Design with Implications to Visual Reasoning and Design Creativity. In Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity (pp. 129-152). Springer Netherlands.



Purian, R. (2015). Size Tackles Quality: Insights from a Simple E-Government Evaluation Index. SIGPRAG: Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts.


Purian, R. (2014). A Decade of E-Government Indexes: The Emerging Mode of Participative Communication. An International Journal on Information Technology, Action, Communication and Workpractices, Special issue on Government – citizen communication through the web, Vol. 8, No. 1.



Forma, I. A., Raviv, T., & Tzur, M. (2015). A 3-step math heuristic for the static repositioning problem in bike-sharing systems. Transportation research part B: methodological, 71, 230-247.


Kaspi, M., Raviv, T., & Tzur, M. (2015). Detection of unusable bicycles in bike-sharing systems. Omega.


Kaspi, M., Raviv, T., Tzur, M., & Galili, H. (2015). Regulating vehicle sharing systems through parking reservation policies: Analysis and performance bounds. European Journal of Operational Research.


Datner, S., Raviv, T., Tzur, M., & Chemla, D. (2015). Setting Inventory Levels in a Bike Sharing Network.



Ziv, N. (2015). Urban Renewal Amidst National Divides: Can Housing Development (Partially) Correct Past Injustice?. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law Policy, 22(1).


Ziv, N. (2015)Who Will Guard the Guardians of Law? Lawyers in Israel Between the State, Market and Civil Society. Bar Ilan University Press and Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing, 2015.



Works in progress

Y. Shushan, J. Portugali, and E. Blumenfeld-Lieberthal*. Using virtual reality environments to unveil the imageability of the city, forthcoming in Computers Environments and Urban Systems 


Kaspi, M., Raviv, T., & Tzur, M. (2015). Bike Sharing Systems: User Dissatisfaction in the Presence of Unusable Bicycles. Working Paper, Tel-Aviv University.


Ziv, N., Who Moved My Mouse? Technology, Online Legal Services and Professional Ethics, TAU Law Review (forthcoming, 2016).


O. Rigler and E. Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. The Flora: a visualization method for analyzing personal networks, forthcoming in Int. J. of Society Systems Science.


Ziv, N. (2015). Urban Renewal Amidst National Divides: Can Housing Development (Partially) Correct Past Injustice?. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law Policy, 22(1).


Ziv, N. (2015)Who Will Guard the Guardians of Law? Lawyers in Israel Between the State, Market and Civil Society. Bar Ilan University Press and Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing, 2015.

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