The First Israeli Urban Forum in Akko, November 2015
TAU City Center will be participating in the Israeli Urban Forum in Akko, Nov 17-18, 2015. Come join us!
In a rapidly urbanizing world UN HABITAT, the global agency responsible for “Human Shelter”, is calling on all its member states to develop and implement national urban policy. In response to this call, we are convening the AKKO URBANISIM CONVENITON, to bring stakeholders from all relevant sectors and disciplines together, with the goal of establishing a policy process and a platform for urban dialogue.
In preparation for the Akko convention, a steering committee has been established with representation from the Akko Municipality, government ministries, including the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the Ministry of Environment, the Planning Authority and the Prime Ministers' Office, the Association of Local Governments together with the Universities, and leading NGO's.
The choice of Akko as the venue for the launch of Israel's urban dialogue and policy, reflects the spirit of contemporary urbanism, integrating sustainability, social justice and planning in a broad inter-disciplinary approach. The convention will provide a platform for presenting emerging urban policy that is based on both inter-disciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches. We hope to lay the groundwork for collaboration among national government, local government, civil society, the business sector and academia. Four parallel tracks will address the following questions:
- Why urbanism?
- Who does urbanism serve?
- How do we advance urbanism?
- Where are the boundaries of urbanism?
International speakers include; Dr. Benjamin Barber, Mindy Turbov – head of Choice Neighborhoods at HUD, Tina Saaby-head Architect of Copenhagen, Klaus Topfer-former head of UNEP, Alexander Wilson - CEO of the Co-Op Agency Canada, David Maddox of Treehugger and representatives of international agencies such as UN HABITAT, UNESCO, and UNISDR
Full event program:
For registration please see the following link:
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