Chicago-TAU Workshop

Organized by TAU City Center with Chicago University researchers

07 April 2019, 13:30 
08 April 2019, 20:00 — Tel Aviv University 
Dr. Ronit Purian


Chicago-TAU Workshop

Researchers, students and faculty are invited to join Chicago-TAU Workshop

  • Sunday, April 7: Afternoon – Yad Avner Building, room 120
  • Monday, April 8: Morning – Faculty of Medicine, room 100
  • Monday, April 8: Afternoon – Yad Avner Building, room 120


The conference will be held with the support of Tel Aviv University; the Faculty of Exact Sciences at TAU; and CODATA – Committee on Data of the International Council for Science (ICSU) Task Group for “Data Integration & Data Science for Urban Life and Smart Cities”.


Registration form and the full program (pdf) can be found below. 



University of Chicago—Tel Aviv University 
Workshop on Cities and Urbanism

The 21st century started as the age of cities. The Chicago-TAU Workshop will focus on five major aspects of current urbanism: Social inequality and justice; complexity and scaling; big-data, IoT and AoT; cognition; and migration.


The Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation at the University of Chicago aims to face this challenging reality in cities by bringing together “researchers … from the social, natural, and computational sciences, along with the humanities.” 


In a similar way TAU City Center—Research Center for Cities and Urbanism at Tel Aviv University attempts to face the age of cities by bringing “… together the many TAU researchers – faculty members, graduate and postgraduate researchers – who study various aspects of cities and urbanism.” 


The "University of Chicago—Tel Aviv University Workshop on Cities and Urbanism" is a first step toward the collaboration between urban researchers at the two universities. 


Workshop program



Sunday, April 7 – Yad Avner Building, room 120


13.30-14.00    Gathering


Opening session | Chair: Juval Portugali



14.00-14.30    Prof. Joseph Klafter President of Tel Aviv University



14.30-15.00    Luis Bettencourt: Towards a Science of Cities

15.00-15.30    Charlie Catlett: Software-Defined Sensors and Virtual Sensing Instruments

15.30-16.00    Juval Portugali: Snow’s Pendulum and the City


16.00-16.30    Break


Complexity, scaling and the city | Chair: Ronit Purian

16.30-17.00    Luis Bettencourt: Complexity, Scaling and Development in Cities

17.00-17.30    Shlomo Havlin: Resilience of interdependent urban infrastructures

17.30-18.00    David Burg, Nir Kaplan & Itzhak Omer: Scaling of cities in Israel?

18.00-18.30    Hermann Haken, Guy Moshe Ross, Juval Portugali:
                       The cognitive dimension of urban allometry


20.30  Dinner


Monday, April 8:
Morning – Faculty of Medicine, room 100


09.00-09.30    Gathering


Social inequality, justice and the city | Chair: Tovi Fenster

09.30-10.00    Kate Cagney: Activity space, neighborhood context and health in later life

10.00-10.30    Michal Tzur: Effective and equitable logistics

10.30-11.00    Talia Margalit: Israeli planning in the media: New discourse, old borders

11.00-11.30    Ronit Purian, Nir Kaplan & Itzhak Omer:
                       The spatial shape of social segregation – Everything is related
                       but near things are more separated


11.30-12.00    Break


Big data, AoT, IoT and the city | Chair: Irad Ben-Gal

12.00-12.30    Charlie Catlett: Using computation and new sources of data
                       to understand cities

12.30-13.00    Itzhak Benenson & Eran Ben-Elia: Public transport in a Smart City:
                       Are commuters endangered species?

13.00-13.30    Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Nimrod Serok, Orr Levy & Shlomo Havlin:
                       Unveiling the inter-relations between the urban streets network
                       and its dynamic traffic flows

13.30-14.00    Tal Raviv: New trends in city logistic – small parcel delivery


14.00-15.00    Lunch



Monday, April 8:
Afternoon – Yad Avner Building, room 120



Cognition and the city | Chair: Matti Mintz

15.00-15.30    Marc Berman & Kate Schertz: The Benefits of Urban Greenspace
                       for Cognition and Behavior

15.30-16.00    David Eilam: Animals, humans, homes, and cities

16.00-16.30    Asaf Degani, Ronit Purian & Yael Shmueli:
                       Rules and policies that govern automated vehicle behavior

16.30-17.00    Adva Sahar, Itzhak Omer & Juval Portugali:
                       Cognitive mapping and the free-energy principle


17.00-17.30    Break


Migration and the city | Chair: Noah Lewin-Epstein

17.30-18.00    Daniel Zuend: From population dynamics to Zipf's law

18.00-18.30    Gilles Benguigui: Migration and networks

18.30-19.00    Miri Yemini: Mobile nationalism: Mobility, parenting and belonging

19.00-19.30    Yossi Harpaz: Citizenship 2.0: Dual nationality as a global asset



Concluding notes

19.30-19.40    Luis Bettencourt

19.40-19.50    Charlie Catlett

19.50-20.00    Juval Portugali



Tuesday, April 9, 2019 | Trip: The roots of urbanization

Tel Megiddo – early urbanization;

Shorashim – Alexander’s design;

and more



Yad Avner Building – Geography Dept.
is located north to the campus, 10 Zelig Street.

Monday morning – Faculty of Medicine. 
The road from Medicine to Geography:



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