Research Seminar - Cities and Issues of Justice

14 June 2015, 16:00 
Room 206, Wolfson Building for engineering 
Research Seminar - Cities and Issues of Justice

TAU City Center is happy to invite you to our June research seminar:


Cities and Issues of Justice

Urban History, Community Identity and Social Class in Urban Renewal




Prof. Neta Ziv (Faculty of Law)

“Urbanism and community empowerment – resident participation in urban renewal projects in Jaffa”


Prof. Tovi Fenster (Dep. Of Geography and Human Environment)

“Urban history – Urban Renewal: Recognition and social ability of urban citizens”


The seminar will take place Sunday, June 14th, 16:00 PM at room 206 in the Wolfson Building for engineering.


For registration please see the following link:

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