Special Guest Lecture - Prof. Michael Batty on Smart Cities
City Center, TAU Research Center for Cities and Urbanism cordially invites you to a special guest lecture:
"Big Data, Little Data, Real Time Streaming and the Smart City"
Prof. Michael Batty,
CASA, University College London
The Seminar will take place on Wednesday, December 16th, 16:00,
At Tel Aviv University,Mexico Building, room 206 A.
We argue that the development of data with respect to its use in understanding and planning cities is intimately bound up with the development of methods for manipulating such data, in particular digital computation. We argue that although data volumes have dramatically increased as has their variety in urban contexts largely due to the development of micro-devices that enable all kinds of human and physical phenomena to be sensed in real time, big data is not peculiar to contemporary times. Big data is thus generated by concatenating smaller data sets and in particular if we change our focus from locations to flows, then data has faced the challenges of bigness for many years. To illustrate these points, we first look at traditional interaction patterns – flows of traffic in cities and show some of the problems of searching for pattern in such data. We then augment this discussion of big data by examining much more routine travel data which is sensed from using smart cards for fare-charging and relating this to questions of matching demand and supply in the context of understanding the routine operation of transit.
The event is open to the public but requires pre-registration.
Registration: http://bit.ly/1NZVN5g
For more information please contact: taucitycenter@gmail.com