Big Data, AI and Urban Future | invitation to a monthly lecture series | starting 10.03.2022

Register and join the first virtual meeting!

Image by Pexels via Pixabay


TAD Urban Planning & Smart Cities community in Collaboration with TAU City Center


invite you to Join a Monthly Lecture Series during the 2nd semester on:


Big Data, AI and Urban Future


The series will bring together TAU and worldwide experts to discuss the impact of data science and AI on urban life and its management. 
The series will host four meetings:



March 10th, 12:00 PM IL | John Östh,  Oslo Metropolitan University | via Zoom

Pandemic related mobility changes in the greater Stockholm region, and the effects on segregation


April 7th, 12:00 PM IL | Alex Hagen Zanker, University of Surrey | in Person (TBD)

Identifying a pan-European shift in urban growth dynamics over the period 1974 2014 using big data and dynamic modeling


May 12th, 12:00 PM IL | Toshihiro Osaragi, Tokyo Institute of Technology | via Zoom

Simulating high resolution spatio-temporal distribution of urban population and activities for the earthquake response


June 2nd, 12:00 PM IL | Itzhak Benenson, Tel Aviv University | in Person (TBD)

The near future of urban transport


Register here >


For further information and (free) registration, please or contact:

Yael Bulis & Adva Sahar, TAU City Center |

Dr. Shiri Stempler, TAD Center |






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