Join the international virtual lectures series on Comparative Urbanism | starting 22.02.2022

First stop - Tel Aviv-Jaffa!

Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Image by Adva Sahar

City Center, Tel Aviv university research center for cities and urbanism, in collaboration with the S. Daniel Abraham Center for international and regional studies, are proud to launch a unique international series under the title of:

Comparative Urbanism: the local dimensions of cities
Starting February 22nd, five virtual meetings will present five different cities: Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Madrid, Mexico City, Lagos and GBA (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area).
Each City will be introduced by a local scholar, followed by comments from collogues and a discussion. For more information, please Click here to enter the series' website >

You are welcome to join us!

Please register here and recieve the meeting link prior to the event >




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