City Center Invites You to Join the Research Students Forum!

Invitations is open for Master's degree students and Ph.D students

City Center invites research students from all departments whom research is related to cities and urbanism to join the Research Students Forum



What is the City Center Research Students’ Forum?


The Forum is City Center's initiative. City Center is a TAU research center for cities and urbanism, founded and headed by Prof. Juval Portugali.


The forum aims to create an academic and social link between students from different departments of TAU for the purpose of stimulating and supporting urban oriented research.


The forum will gather several times in the following academic year under the structure of lectures and discussion around specific themes. Apart from the research students, he audience will include faculty members.

City Center’s activities include international conferences and workshops, guest workshops and other events.


Our goal is to promote research students. We seek to constitute an interdisciplinary collaboration between research students via exposure to new methodologies, networks and feedback.


Who can join?


All TAU Master's degree students and Ph.D students are invited to join the Research Students’ Forum. Invitation is also open for post-doctoral students.


How can I join?


For joining the Research Students’ Forum or for any inquiries:



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