Big Data, AI and Urban Future | 4th virtual meeting | June 2nd, 12:00

Join the virtual meeting!

Tel Aviv. Image by Richard van Liessum via Pixabay


TAD Urban Planning & Smart Cities community in Collaboration with TAU City Center

are Inviting you to Join a Monthly Lecture Series during the 2nd semester on


Big DataAI and Urban Future



The series will bring together TAU and worldwide experts to discuss the impact of data science and AI on urban life and its management. 

Upcoming lecture:


The Near Future of Urban Transport


By Itzhak Benenson  | Tel Aviv Univesity



New and emerging transportation modes and solutions — ride-hailing, scooters, AV (Automated Vehicles), and MaaS (Mobility as a Service) — will repair our always congested urban reality. This is the basis of the forecasts of urban mobility that were proposed during the last two decades. In retrospect, they all look over-optimistic.

I review these forecasts versus the observed and simulated urban transportation reality, and conclude that they rely on the non-robust projections that overestimate the rationality of human reaction to the changes in transportation infrastructure and conditions. Based on this analysis, I suggest possible evolutionary pathways of the urban transportation systems.


The event will take place on Thursday, June 2nd  at 12:00


Join us virtually via Zoom



For further information, contact:

Yael Bulis & Adva Sahar, TAU City Center |

Dr. Shiri Stempler, TAD Center |








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