Comparative Urbanism - second season | RIO de JANEIRO

Join the first virtual meeting on Rio de Janeiro! November 8, 17:00 IL time

  Comparative Urbanism | Rio de Janeiro | image by Poswiecie via Pixabay
City Center, Tel Aviv university research center for cities and urbanism, in collaboration with the S. Daniel Abraham Center for international and regional studies, are inviting you to join the second season of the series under the title of:
Comparative Urbanism: the local dimensions of cities
Starting November 8th, four different cities will be introduced over four virtual meetings: Rio de Janeiro, Chennai, Tokyo and Venice. Each City will be presented by a local scholar, followed by comments from collogues and a discussion. 
For more information, please view the attached document or click here to enter the Comparative Urbanism Website >
For inquiries, please contact
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