SMART CITIES – summer course

NEW: Course description, July 22-August 8, 2019

08 August 2019, 9:00 - 12:00 
Tel Aviv University 
Dr. Ronit Purian, urban heat island, data integration


SMART CITIES – summer course in collaboration with TAU International – is open for graduate students and students at the last year of their undergraduate degree. 




July 22-August 8, 2019



Course description: 

Please find below.

NEW: Course timetable >>

NEW: Information for students >>

2019 Course description >>

Syllabus & detailed daily agenda will be provided to students. 




July 29, 2019 – first tour

The mountain of Hiriya:

Group photos with Tal:


August 1, 2019 – second tour

Urban climate:

By the pool: 


August 5, 2019 – third tour

Tel Aviv municipality:


July 24-30, 2019 – AV experiments: soon...



For future application and more information:


TAU students who are interested in enrolling to the Smart Cities summer program:

You can speak with Tamar Grushka Stern in International TAU office.

Her email is



2018 course: 

2018 Summer Course on Smart Cities, with 20 students from all over the world – from the US and Brazil through Paris and Berlin to India and China, Macau, Vietnam and Sydney – took place at Tel Aviv University from July 29 to August 16, 2018, with lectures and labs by TAU researchers, start-ups and the high-tech industry; and tours to Tel Aviv municipality's various divisions. 

Photo gallery:


Hiriya Center for Environmental Education:

The tour to Hiriya Recycling Park – Center for Environmental Education was part of Smart Cities course, studying about waste management and the environmental aspects of smart and sustainable cities. The visit started with a lecture by Doron Sapir, Chairman of Dan Cities Association and TA Deputy Mayor. 



2019 Course materials: 


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